Day 2- 30 Day Coloring Challenge: Lawn Fawn Winter Alpaca Pop Up Card


I know, I know, it’s not Christmas anymore but it is still technically winter. The first day of Spring doesn’t come until March 20 this year! I still have this Christmas card to share that I wanted to share in December but I hadn’t finished editing all the video footage until now! Better late than never!


thumb_img_6794_1024-1I love this Winter Alpaca stamp set by Lawn Fawn! I designed the card so that the front was rather simple because I spent a bit of time working on the inside. Along with using the Stitched Hillside Pop Up Die, I also decided to pop up the larger range of mountains, as well as the alpaca using squares of card stock that I taped together.

You can watch how the card came together here:

I really like this Stitched Hillside Pop Up die. I think it was a really great investment especially with Lawn Fawn’s Spring 2017 release, they added the
Grassy Hillside Pop Up Add-on, Flower Hillside Pop Up Add-on, and the Little Town Hillside Pop Up Add-on that work great with this die. I haven’t bought them yet but plan to in the future. These new additions really give you more options for scene building with these kinds of pop up cards.

That’s all from me for now, if you’re interested in any of the supplies that I used in this video, they are listed below. Thanks for stopping by!

Author: 12bpandagreetings

Nurse by day/evening/night. Card maker and blogger the rest of the time I'm not working or sleeping.

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